Thursday, June 24, 2010

I am excited to announce that the Precious Memories website is now up and running. Please log onto: to check out all the latest information. The Precious Memories blog is integrated into my website. Be sure to click on the RSS link at the top of the blog page to receive live updates when I add a new post. I will maintain this blog for one week so be sure to get any page samples you might need downloaded within that time.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kate and I had an awesome time at church camp. No better way to spend a summer afternoon than on a 200ft. waterslide! I received a shipment of new product while I was away so back to work for me. The July newsletter is in progress and should be ready to mail soon. There will be a 12 hour crop on July31, space is limited so stop by to get registered as soon as possible. Free Fridays are a great way to stay in where it is cool and get some scrappin' done. See you soon.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I am sorry to announce that the Scrap Card Class by Tina Bohac has been canceled. She has a scheduling conflict. We will try to include it in the July schedule.

Here is an updated version of the Circus pages designed by Mary Todd. These pages use alcohol ink to provide the vivid mats and lettering. Along with the coloring on the clown and tent. Kits are limited.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Once again they are working in the drive. You can access the shop through the back door from the Tan Line road. You can circle around by the church and come back out by Tan Line.

Call to reserve your space in the many class and crop opportunities available in June.

June is the traditional month for weddings. Becky Turner designed this kit that is perfect for not just weddings, but anniversaries, engagement or just great family photos. The price is perfect at $5.00 while they last.

Perfect for all the summer water fun, I will be teaching this 2 page spread on June 24th. This class is limited so don't miss out!
The "Good Ol' Summertime". A great 2 page spread designed by Mary that she will teach on June 12th. You will learn how to make layered flowers, one of the hottest current trends in scrapbooking Call and reserve your space today.
Another month is upon us so you will find many new postings with pictures of the latest kits and classes being offered in June. We are returning to page classes for the summer to see what response we have. That will determine our fall lineup. Our class load is lighter this summer but I have lots of cropping opportunities. I am also launching a new website in July! I am so excited to finally have this goal almost achieved. My blog will be contained within the website once it is fully operational so if there is any content from this site you want to copy please do so right away. Watch for future ads to announce the official opening of the preciousmemoriesflora website.